Post Secondary

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Post-Secondary planning allows students and parents to explore post-secondary options; The links below will provide you with career, college, gap years, and military service information. Using videos, charts, and websites to explain career and college options post secondary.

Post Secondary Resources
Career/College Resources GAP Year Resources Military Resources
Big Future – The College Board 101 Things to do on a Gap Year US Army
Why go to college?   US Navy
Career & College Ready   US Air Force
Pathfinder   US Marines Corps
    US Coast Guard

If you need more information, have questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact Erin Scholten at: (231) 386-5153 x 113 or

"Many speak of their year away as a 'life-altering' experience or a 'turning point.' Most feel that its full value can never be measured and will pay dividends the rest of their lives."

Deans of Admissions and Financial Aid at Harvard University William Fitzsimmons and Marlyn E. McGrath