Dear Parent / Guardian,

This letter is to inform you that a student in our elementary school has a severe food allergy to peanuts/nuts. It is important that there is strict avoidance to this food in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. We are asking your help to provide the student with a safe school environment.

Any exposure to peanuts/nuts may cause a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. To reduce the chance of this occurring, we are asking that you do not send any peanut or nut containing products to school with your child that will be eaten in the school. If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.

It will be critically important that peanuts / tree nuts are not brought into the cafeteria, Spanish classroom, music room, or in the elementary wing. Students may consume granola bars, as long as the student with the severe allergy does not eat one. High school students may bring back foods containing nuts, as long as they are only consumed in the commons area or in the HS hallway during the lunch period. Any student who consumes nuts should wash their hands thoroughly before entering the elementary wing or cafeteria. Thank you in advance for your support. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Northport Public School
Emily Miller