Google Chromebook

Chromebook Dos & Dont's


  • Do
    • Power-off and charge your Chromebook every night

    • Carry the Chromebook while closed and with both hands

    • Periodically clean your Chromebook with a soft cloth without using any screen cleaner

    • When finished using your Chromebook put it in a safe place

  • Don't

    • Drink or eat over or around your Chromebook

    • Open your Chromebook so that the screen and keyboard lays flat

    • Let your baby/toddler siblings play with your Chromebook

    • Have anything sitting on your Chromebook keyboard while closing the lid

This webpage is acting unusual. How do I fix it?

Say you have a web page that you visit often and all of a sudden it starts acting in ways unexpected. Example: Google Slides won't allow me to create a text box. Or, I can't click on an email in Gmail.

Many times the oddly acting page just needs a refresh. You can use the refresh icon in your browser or the refresh keyboard key on the Chromebook, forcing the page to reload completely. And, lastly, if all else fails, completely shutdown and restart your device.

Refreshing a page doesn't work to fix the issue with my webpage. What do I do?


  • A hard refresh of your browser/Chromebook may be in order. Use Ctrl + Shift + R which will force the page to reload completely.
  • Another solution would be to clear your cache and remove cookies from your device. The steps to clear your cache and remove cookies can be found in this Google Support Document.

How often should I update and restart my Chromebook?

For best performance, Chromebooks should be restarted daily, or at least a couple of times a week. Chromebooks update automatically in the background. However, users can also force an update by clicking on the lower-right clock > clicking on the settings gear > opening the menu at the upper-right of the window that appears > choosing About Chrome OS at the bottom of that list > pressing the Check for Updates button.

My Chromebook charger was fully plugged in and charging all night, why does it have a black screen?

There are instances when a device has had the charger fully seated in the charging port for an extended time and when opened the user is met with a black or blank screen. On most occasions when this occurs the solution is to completely power off the device by pressing and holding the power button for 15 to 30 seconds. Once the device is fully shutdown, pressing the power button again will restart the device. All functions should return back to normal. If your Chromebook is still displaying a black screen, you may need to contact

Why won't my Chromebook to turn off?

On most occasions when this occurs the solution is to completely power off the device by pressing and holding the power button for 15 to 30 seconds. Once the device is fully shutdown, pressing the power button again will restart the device.

Why is my Chromebook is talking to me?

You or your students go to use the Chromebook and it is reading everything on the screen to you? 

You can turn ChromeVox on or off from any page by pressing Ctrl + Alt + z. To turn off 

Why is my Chromebook screen sideways or rotated?

To turn the screen image, all you have to do is click three simple keys… ctrl+shift+refresh buttons. Doing so will rotate your screen 90 degrees, once for each press.

How do I take a Screenshot on my Chromebook?



Still have a question?

Questions regarding access to your Google Meets, Google Classroom, or Otus assignments should first go to your classroom teachers. For all other inquiries please email